Thoughts from a former Homeschooled Student


What Do I Do On Monday?
Our Homeschool Journey
One Homeschooler's Story
Reading for Homeschoolers
Games as Learning Tools
Homeschooling and Socialization
High School Learning for Homeschoolers
Preparing Homeschoolers for College
Community College as a Homeschooling Tool
Who are Homeschoolers?
Homeschooling Materials and Resources
Field Trips a Great Homeschooling Tool  
XIII. Homeschooling Groups and Coops  


I asked all of my kids for contributions, Josh my most prolific writer finally gave me the following article . You will note that besides the other myths Josh aims to dispel about homeschoolers that he also dispels any myths about homeschoolers not having a sense of humor :) Maybe sometime we'll share one of the book reports he did for some coop classes he took, you'll see Josh almost always finds something witty in any situation. Josh continues to be a writing, among many other things. You can read more about his journey and current situation as of 2020 here. Enjoy - Karen

Alright. I’ve been asked nicely by my mom to write an article on homeschooling. I can do this. Where to start? Well, I guess I’ll start by dismissing the most popular rumor about home schooling, which is that homeschoolers don’t have any friends, or meet any people. This could not be farther from the truth. When your homeschooled, you have so much more time to do extra curricular activities. I personally got into sports at a young age, and by ten, I was into theatre. I now have more friends than I can keep track of, to be honest. If you look, there are endless opportunities to meet people, from sports, hobbies, and even some special homeschooling groups and events.

Now that I’ve cleared that up, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed homeschooling. I think my favorite thing about it was not, as most believe, the getting up at ten in the morning and doing schoolwork in your pajamas. Personally, I wake up at six o’clock every morning. My favorite thing about homeschooling is how open it is. If you’re having a particularly off-day, your teachers (parents) understand, and you can take a break. Just do more work the next day. Also, you don’t need to do six hours of straight academic work, because it’s just you, and maybe a sibling or two, being taught. You can get twice as much done in half the time. Although beware! All these good things come at a cost, and your snow days will be forfeit!

But that aside, another great thing about it is that you get such personal help. I got very good at math during my education at home. It’s not because I was diligent and hardworking, although I like to think I was, but it’s because if I ever had a problem, my parents (dad, he was into math) could actually help me with that specific section, not needing to worry about if the non-existant other students were getting bored. There’s no some of the class is better than the rest, because you are the class. That alone makes the education you get during homeschooling much better, in my opinion, than you get at public school. I should know, because now I do go to a public school, for the performing arts. For those who want to homeschool, and then switch later on, it’s easy, so don’t worry about that.

I hope you found my article informative, enjoyable, and otherwise useful as well as many other pleasant sounding adjectives. See you in class!

No wait, I won't.
- Josh